Four Ways to Use Foldable Aluminum Gantry Crane Correctly

Four Ways to Use Foldable Aluminum Gantry Crane Correctly

The correct use of foldable aluminum alloy gantry crane method is as follows.

Preparatory Work:

  • Check that all parts of the crane are in good condition, especially key components such as aluminum crane frame and load-bearing trolley.

  • Ensure that the gantry crane is installed on a flat and solid ground, avoid installation on soft or uneven ground, and prevent the crane from tilting or collapsing during use.

  • Carefully read the crane instruction manual and safety operation specifications, understand the crane performance parameters, operation methods and safety precautions.

 Foldable aluminum gantry crane

Installation and Commissioning:

  • According to the requirements of the manual, the crane is correctly installed and adjusted to ensure that the connection of the components is firm and reliable, and the movement of the crane is smooth.

  • When installing, pay special attention to the stability of the crane, after the installation is completed, it is necessary to run with no-load first, and then lift the operation.

Lifting Operation:

  • Use a suitable lifting hook or fixture for lifting to ensure that the lifting point is firm and reliable, which can withstand the weight of the lifting item.

  • During the lifting process, the operator should maintain balance, avoid shaking or sudden stop of the crane, and prevent the lifting items from falling off or being damaged.

  • When hoisting, the maximum carrying capacity of the operator and the equipment should be followed, and overload should not be used.

Care and Maintenance:

  • Regular maintenance of the crane, check the wear of each part, timely replacement of damaged parts. 

  • Keep the crane clean and dry to prevent rust and corrosion.

Foldable aluminum gantry crane with hoist

Safety Precautions

  • When using a crane, pay special attention to the safety of equipment and personnel to avoid injuries to people below or nearby.

  • The operator should have the corresponding operating experience and be familiar with the performance parameters and safe operation specifications of the gantry crane.

  • The operator should have the corresponding operating experience and be familiar with the performance parameters and safe operation specifications of the crane.

  • In case of emergency, stop operation immediately and take appropriate safety measures.

In short, the correct use of foldable aluminum alloy door crane needs to follow the operating specifications and safety requirements, ensure the stability and reliability of the equipment, and ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. During use operation, regular maintenance should be carried out, damaged parts should be replaced in time, and the equipment should be kept in good condition.

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